South West Resources
If you have any questions about any of these documents please contact us on england.advancingpracticesw@nhs.net
Dealing with Feelings of Imposter Syndrome
This video explores the issues around feelings of imposter syndrome in advanced practitioners and advanced practice trainees. Individuals share their experience of imposter syndrome and discusses some of the strategies that can help to overcome it.
Centre for Advancing Practice Accredited Programmes
The Centre for Advancing Practice is in the process of accrediting advanced level 7 programmes in England. Below you will find a link to the course directory.
Accredited ProgrammesCentre for Advancing Practice Governance Maturity Matrix
The Centre for Advancing Practice have developed a maturity matrix which health and care organisations across all settings can formatively self-assess their progress on the governance of advanced practice. Below you will find a link to Governance Matrix Information and access to the document.
Governance Maturity MatrixGovernance Maturity Matrix – Primary Care Prompt Document
In 2022/23 the South West Faculty for Advanced Practice ran focus groups and webinars with stakeholders in primary care to discuss and develop Primary Care Advanced Practice Governance. The focus groups completed a Governance Maturity Matrix with “prompts” relevant to Primary Care that would help practices in completing the matrix. This document is designed to prompt thought processes rather than provide answers and is useful in prompting and building governance for Advanced Practice to continually improve the environment for trainees and patient care delivery. Should there be further considerations, please do get in touch.
If you are having difficulty accessing this file please email england.advancingpractice.sw@nhs.net for a copy of the latest version
Advanced Practice South West NETS Results
The National Education and Training Survey (NETS) is the only national survey open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students and trainees undertaking a practice placement or training post in healthcare as part of their education and training programme. The survey gathers opinions from students and trainees about their time working and training in practice placements and training posts, asking them to provide feedback on what worked well and what they think could be improved.
This report provides an overview of the responses from Advanced Practice trainees in the South West.

South-West Review of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and Pharmacists in Advanced Practice
This document summarises the formal literature and project-based work already completed around the barriers and opportunities for AHPs and Pharmacists in Advanced Practice up to Spring 2022. This work was undertaken in response to South West identification that the range of professions accessing Advancing Practice training was limited to a small number. It goes on to explore possible avenues to promote multi-professional access to Advanced Practice.
SW Review of AHPs & Pharmacists in AP