Below you will find a selection of case studies featuring Advanced Practitioners across the South West region. Learn more about the benefits of Advancing Practice and how Advanced Practitioners are helping transform service delivery to better meet local healthcare needs through our case studies and short films.
Why I Love Being An Advanced Practitioner
Community Services
Lyndsey Peddie – Trainee Advanced Practitioner in Community Urgent Care
Lyndsey is a trainee advanced practitioner working within the community urgent care team. Her role in the multi-disciplinary team, provides a link between primary and secondary care.
Emergency Care
Jasmine Morris – Trainee Advanced Practitioner in an Emergency Department
Jasmine is a trainee Advanced Practitioner working with a focus on frailty in the Emergency Department who is currently completing her Advanced Practice MSc.
Amy is a Physiotherapist by background and currently completing her Masters of Sciences (MSc) in Advanced Practice.
Vivian Zinyemba – Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Vivian Zinyemba is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner working in the Department of Older Persons’ Services in Wiltshire
Rachael Hosznyak – Urgent Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Rachael is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner within an Urgent Community Response service in Bristol
Learning Disability & Autism
James Cook – Advanced Practitioner in Learning Disability
In this video we speak to James Cook an Advanced Practitioner in Learning Disability about his role and the impact he has on the services he supports.
Simon Eddy – Trainee Advanced Practitioner in Learning Disability Services
Simon works as a trainee advanced practitioner across Learning Disability Services at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. He is a registered learning disabilities nurse and has been working in this field since he first started as a Health Care Assistant.
Mental Health
Advanced Practice in Mental Health – The Dorset Healthcare Story
This video shows an organisational perspective on advanced practice in mental health and features Dorset Healthcare.
Advanced Practice in Mental Health – Matthew’s Story
This video follows an Advanced Practitioner’s role in a forensic mental health service. Featuring Matthew Hibbert, Advanced Practitioner and Dr Adrian James, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and The Devon Partnership Trust.
Matthew Hibbert – Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Matthew is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner and Trainee Approved Clinician working in a forensic secure service in Devon
Abby Webb – Mental Health Nurse and NMP
Abby Webb is a highly experienced Advanced Clinical Practitioner in the Waterston 18-bed adult acute admission ward in Dorchester
Beth Payne – Advanced Practitioner and Clinical Lead
Beth is an Advanced Practitioner, Clinical Lead for a mental health in-patient rehabilitation ward and working across the community rehabilitation team in Dorset
Kerri Bradley – Mental Health Advanced Practitioner within Primary Care
Kerri is currently working as an Advanced Practitioner in Mental Health within Primary Care at Graham Road Surgery, Weston-Super-Mare.
Musculoskeletal (MSK)
Claire Paling – Advanced Practitioner
Claire is an Advanced Practitioner working within the Orthopaedic Spinal Pathway. Her role involves seeing people with spinal pain in both community and secondary care services.
Sarah Brownlie – Trainee Advanced Practitioner and Nutrition Vascular Access Specialist Nurse
Sarah is a Nutrition Vascular Access Specialist Nurse working in an Acute Hospital setting and doing community visits, to prevent hospital admissions where possible. She works in a dual role, covering Practical and Parental Nutrition, and is joint lead for the Vascular Access team, She is currently doing the final year of her Level 7 Advanced Practice Apprenticeship.
Non-Surgical Cancer Services
Lee Merry – Advanced Practitioner Non-surgical Cancer Services
Lee is an Advanced Practitioner working in Non-surgical Cancer Services at Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
Alice Dyer – Trainee Advanced Practitioner in Ophthalmology Services
Alice is currently working as a trainee advanced practitioner in ophthalmology services at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Foundation Trust.
Primary Care
An Advanced Practitioner’s role in a GP practice – Anna’s Story
This video follows Anna Neary, an experienced SW AP working in a GP practice and her reflections on what it takes to be an AP in Primary Care and the immense job satisfaction this can bring.
Advanced Practice in Primary Care – An organisational perspective
This video features a GP Partner and practice manager perspective of how APs can enhance the clinical team and care offering to patients in Primary Care.

Luke Popplestone Trainee Advanced Practitioner in Radiology
Luke is a trainee advanced practitioner in the interventional radiology department and lead for the ultrasound-guided cannulation service at the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust. With 14 years of experience in interventional radiology, Luke is a mentor for his colleagues, providing a wealth of insights and support.
Advanced Practice in a Surgical MDT
This video looks at the benefit of having advanced practitioners as part of the surgical MDT in the Surgical Assessment Unit. Featuring Thomas Walker, an Upper GI Consultant Surgeon and the three trainee advanced practitioners at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust, it tells the story of how they are integrating Advanced Practice into their service.
Nick Browning Advanced Practitioner in Colorectal Services
Nick is currently working as an Advanced Practitioner in Colorectal services at the North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and his professional background is as a Registered Nurse. Nick has worked within surgical services since 2015. Alongside his clinic duties, Nick is the trust Lead for Advanced Practice.