About us: Health Education England (now NHS England) established the Centre for Advancing Practice to oversee the workforce transformation of advanced level practice, by establishing and monitoring standards for education and training, accrediting advanced level programmes, supporting and recognising educational and training equivalence, and growing and embedding the advanced and consultant practice workforce.
The Centre delivers this through key functions:
- Programme accreditation
- Recognition of education and training equivalence
- NHS England credentials
- Workforce solutions
How we work
Health Education England (HEE) (now NHS England) worked extensively with professional bodies and other stakeholders to develop the Centre. The Centre are committed to continuing this collaborative approach.
The important role of professional bodies in encouraging excellence in their professions and registering practitioners will continue to be part of the total picture of quality assurance that is necessary for advanced practice to grow and thrive.
Our structure
Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice have also been established to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice across England.
To deliver the step-change in advanced practice outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan; to develop modern pathways of care, improve patient safety, value and efficacy, NHS England has made a significant investment in the formation of a multi-professional Faculty in each of its seven regions.
The Faculties are in a unique position to understand and address their region’s workforce requirements. This collaborative regional leadership model is essential to drive change at a local level. They will work across their local systems (Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs)/Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to support transformation in practice.
Each Faculty will:
- identify workforce demand,
- commission high-quality education and training,
- optimise clinical training,
- supervision and assessment
- support communities of practice to drive ongoing development and support to improve patient care.