Welcome to our South West Advanced Practice podcast series!

Episode 19, Advanced Practice in a Hospice Setting
In this episode of the NHSE South West Advanced Practice podcast series we are discussing the development of an advanced practice role in the hospice setting. We will hear about the journey taken by St Margarets Hospice as an organisation to develop an advanced practice role, but also how the trainee was supported on her journey by both the organisation and named supervisor.
Hosts: Martin Nelson, NHS England, South West, Advanced Practice Education & Training Development Lead. Lou Buckle, NHS England, South West, Education and Development Specialist Lead
Guests: Kate Shorthose, Consultant in Palliative Medicine & Research Lead, St Margarets Hospice | Clare Marks, Head of Nursing Services, St Margarets Hospice | Cher Griffiths, Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner, St Margarets Hospice
Episode 18, Advanced Practice ePortfolio (supported) Route
In this episode we will be following two applicants journeys through the NHS England ePortfolio (supported) Route to Advanced Practice. We will explore the purpose of the ePortfolio route and the steps involved in gaining Advanced Practice recognition via this process. We will also hear about the key role of the education provider and academic supervisor in supporting people through this journey. We also discuss what a good ePortfolio looks like and highlight important aspects for people to consider when embarking on this route to gaining their Advanced Practice Digital Badge. We hope you enjoy listening!
Host: Simon Ingram, NHS England, South West, Advanced Practice Education & Training Development Lead
Guests: Claire Paling, Spinal Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner, Salisbury | Beth Foxwell, Advanced Clinical Practitioner & Advanced Practice Lead, Cheltenham Central Primary Care Network | Colin Roberts, Associate Professor Advanced Clinical Practice, University of Plymouth
Episode 17, Advanced Practice Research
In this episode we explore how to engage with the Research Pillar of Advanced Practice. Our discussion explores a modernised view of research activity within NHS clinical settings, including service evaluation, audit and quality improvement. We discuss the barriers clinicians might face in developing research activity and how they might be overcome. We highlight and discuss frameworks, toolkits, networks and developmental opportunities which can further research activity including:
- Multi-professional Practice-based Research Capabilities Framework – Advanced Practice (hee.nhs.uk)
- Developing a research skilled workforce – University of Plymouth
Host: Steve Blakeway, NHS England WT&E, Advanced Practice Education & Training Development Lead
Guests: Ralph Hammond, Plymouth University, Developing a Research Skilled Workforce. Dr Frazer Underwood, NIHR Clinical Research Network South West
Episode 16, Advanced Practice in Radiography
In this episode of the NHSE South West Advancing Practice podcast series we explore the role of Advanced Practice within Radiography. We discuss the importance of supervision and governance, and discuss how the non-clinical pillars of advanced practice are important within an advanced practitioners job plan.
Host: Martin Nelson, NHS England WT&E, Advanced Practice Education & Training Development Lead
Guests: Richard Evans, Advanced Practitioner & James Reed, Reporting Radiographer and Co-Chair of the Advanced Practice Steering Group. Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Episode 15, Advanced Practice Workforce Transformation in Emerging Areas
In this episode of the NHSE South West Advancing Practice podcast series we are revisiting the Allied Health Professional in advanced practice conversation with two of our associate workforce leads. We talk through the insights and learning from their work into emerging areas of advanced practice and hear about the resources that have been developed to help take these conversations forward.
Host: Rachael Brandreth, (NHS England WT&E, Advanced Practice Education & Training Development Lead).
Guests: Jennifer Lloyd & Luke Cunningham, (NHS England WT&E, Advanced Practice Workforce Transformation Associates)
Episode 14, Advanced Practice in Mental Health
In this podcast episode, we talk to the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to explore the challenges and benefits of advanced practice in mental health. They share their journey of implementing advanced practice within the Trust, taking us through their strategic planning for the training and supervision. They discuss the importance of multi-professional advanced practice which will improve patient care and encourage a holistic approach.
Host: Fiona Ramsay, Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Mental Health, Learning Disability & Autism, NHS England, South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Guests: Jodie Ley, Advanced Clinical Practitioner/ Consultant Nurse and Advanced Practice Lead for Mental Health, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. William Lee, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Royal Cornwall Hospital. Lucy Bentley, Trainee Advanced Practitioner in the Psychiatric Liaison Team, Royal Cornwall Hospital
Episode 13, Advanced Practice in Musculoskeletal (MSK)
This episode of the South West Advancing Practice podcast series explores the role of Advanced Practice within the field of Musculoskeletal (MSK) health. We review the impact of MSK conditions on population health and the potential scope of multi-professional MSK Advanced Practice across healthcare settings. We also discuss the upcoming MSK Advanced Practice Credential and the role this will have in developing the future MSK workforce across the four pillars of Advanced Practice.
Host: Simon Ingram, Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Physiotherapy and MSK, NHS England, South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Guests: Susie Durrell, Consultant Physiotherapist, Gloucestershire Advanced Practice ICB Lead, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Nick Sullivan, Regional Faculty Lead for Advancing Practice – NHS England, London Faculty for Advancing Practice.
Episode 12, Advanced Practice in Complex Nutrition Support
In this episode of our advanced practice podcast series we explore the development of advanced practice in complex nutrition support. We talk to a trainee advanced practitioner and service manager. Discussing the benefits and challenges of setting up the roles and implementation in practice.
Host: Rachael Brandreth, Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Speech & Language Therapy, Dietetics, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests: Raphaella Rookes, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics, Yeovil District Hospital
Sarah Brownlie, Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Nutrition & Vascular Access Nurse Specialist, Yeovil District Hospital
Want to hear more from Sarah? Read her case study here
Episode 11, Advanced Practice in Ophthalmology
In this episode of the HEE South West Advancing Practice podcast series we are exploring advanced practice in ophthalmology. We talk about developing and supporting a trainee advanced practitioner from the orthoptic profession. Considering the benefits that their background can bring to their current role and service.
Host: Sharon Wade, Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Anaesthesia & Surgery. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests: Helen McCarthy, Head Orthoptist, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS FT . Gurdeep Matharu, Trainee Advanced Practitioner & Senior Orthoptist, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS FT
Episode 10, Advanced Practice Paramedics in Primary Care
This episode of the South West Advancing Practice podcast series looks at challenges and opportunities for Advanced Practice Paramedics training and working within Primary Care. We explore some of the opportunities Paramedics and Primary Care environments can provide each other. Whilst considering the value of Paramedics using their Advanced Practice skills as integrated team members, achieving positive outcomes for patient services and multi-professional team working.
Host: Steve Blakeway, Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Primary Care, Nursing, Paramedics. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests: Kirstie Brown, Senior Lecturer MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, University of Exeter. Claire-Louise Moore, Trainee Advanced Practice Paramedic, South Hams Primary Care Network.
Episode 9, Advanced Practice Leadership
This episode of the HEE South West Advancing Practice podcast series places Leadership within Advanced Practice under the “podlight”. We explore the many facets of leadership, and how vital clinical leadership is within Advanced Practice. The multi-professional panel, reflect on their Leadership experiences in relation to supervision and training and how it integrates with of the other “pillars” of Advanced Practice. Ways to develop leadership skills and the impact effective leadership can have at service, organisational and system level are discussed by the panel, illustrating the multifaceted nature of leadership and why it is an essential aspect of Advanced Practice.
Martin Nelson: Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Radiography and Oncology, South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Simon Ingram: Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Physiotherapy and MSK, South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Valentino Oriolo: Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Acute Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities. HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Episode 8, Advanced Practice Supervision
This episode of the HEE South West Advancing Practice podcast series we explore supervision in advanced practice, crucial for both professional and patient safety. We explore why advanced practice supervision is different to medical models and what this means in clinical practice for supervisors and trainees. It addresses some potential challenges and provides guidance on how to successfully implement an integrated approach to Advanced Practice supervision, which utilises the multi professional team.
Host: Diane Keeling, Supervision and Assessment Lead for Neonatal & Maternal Care, Women’s Health, Paediatrics. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guest: Professor Deborah Harding, Subject Matter Expert Multi-professional Supervision, Health Education England, St George’s University of London
There is an accompanying slide pack to go alongside our Advanced Practice Supervision podcast. You can view and download the pack here. You can also view this podcast below as a video with slides included.
Episode 7, Advanced Practice Governance
This episode of the HEE South West Advancing Practice podcast series looks at the importance of governance in developing and implementing advanced practice in health and care organisations. We talk about the difficulties and challenges around advanced practice governance, discuss examples of good practice, and look at the information and guidance available.
For more information on the HEE Advanced Practice Governance Matrix please go to our governance web page.
Host – Valentino Oriolo, Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Acute Internal Medicine & Medical Specialities. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Dr Julie Gripton, Health and Social Care Academy: Principal / Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Neal Aplin, Advanced Practitioner, Emergency Department, Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICS Advanced Practice Workforce Transformation Lead.
Episode 6, Advanced Practice in Frailty and Rehabilitation
This episode of the HEE South West Advanced Practice podcast series explores the opportunities and challenges surrounding advanced practice in frailty and rehabilitation and discusses topics such as entering the speciality, multi-professional working, credentials, and the separate but related role of the consultant practitioner.
Host – Rachael Hosznyak, Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Frailty, Rehabilitation and Urgent Emergency Care. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Dr Esther Clift (Consultant Practitioner in Frailty, Southern Health NHS FT, Chair Nurses and AHP Council & British Geriatrics Society)
Sarah Paterson (Consultant Therapist, Stroke & Rehabilitation, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust)
Episode 5, Dealing with Feelings of Imposter Syndrome
This episode of the HEE South West Advanced Practice podcast series explores the issues arround feelings of imposter syndrome in advanced practitioners and advanced practice trainees and discusses some of the strategies that can help to overcome it.
Host- Jane Moses Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead for Mental Health, Learning Disability & Autism. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Carole Boulanger Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for ACCP. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Valentino Oriolo Advancing Practice Supervision & Assessment Lead for Acute Internal Medicine. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
There is an accompanying video to this podcast exploring the issues around feelings of imposter syndrome in advanced practitioners and advanced practice trainees. Individuals share their experience of imposter syndrome and discusses some of the strategies that can help to overcome it.
Episode 4, Advanced Critical Care Practitioners
This episode of the HEE South West Advanced Practice podcast series explores the benefits and challenges for Allied Health professionals entering Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Training. The ACCP role can be viewed as predominantly a role for ICU nurses, however there are great advantages to the ICU team and AHPs undertaking this career pathway. In this podcast we explore how the previous skills, knowledge and experiences of a critical care physiotherapist and a senior paramedic provide a valuable foundation for ACCP training. We explore some of the myths, challenges and benefits of joining the ICU team in an advanced practice role from an AHP background.
Host – Carole Boulanger Supervision & Assessment Lead for ACCP. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E. Senior ACCP and paramedic by background.
Guests – Adam Smith, trainee Advanced Practice ACCP and Romain Lefebvre a Critical Care Physiotherapist.
Episode 3, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners
This episode discusses the journey of Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners in relation to training, career progression and service development. It explores the experiences of ANNPs at different stages of their career, as they reflect upon how ANNP training, supervision and career opportunities have evolved, the challenges along the way and the future of ANNPs as APs within the HEE centre of advancing practice.
Host Diane Keeling, Supervision and Assessment Lead for Neonatal & Maternal Care, Women’s Health, Paediatrics. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Roisin McKeon -Carter ( ANNP/ Nurse Consultant/ Chair of the NNA), Rachel Gibbons (ANNP)
Episode 2, Advanced Practice in the Allied Health Professions
This episode explores the narrative around advanced practice in relation to Allied Health Professionals.
Host – Rachael Brandreth Regional Advancing Practice Supervision and Assessment Lead
for Speech & Language Therapy, Dietetics, Podiatry. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Luke Cunningham & Jennifer Lloyd Workforce Transformation Associates focusing on AHP in advanced practice. South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Episode 1, Advanced Practice in Emergency Care
This episode discusses the journey of training as an emergency care advanced practitioner. What it takes to train and lessons learned along the way, from the perspectives of a trainee, an AP lead, and an educational supervisor.
Host – Martin Horton (HEE S&A Lead) South West Faculty for Advancing Practice, NHS England WT&E
Guests – Sophie Stabbins (Trainee AP) and Simon Laing (Emergency Medicine Consultant / TheResusRoom)