Below you will find our latest updates and events.
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Webinars and Events
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Update Bulletins
This update includes the following: NETS now open, National Advancing Practice Conference, commissioning of advanced practice places, Professor Julian Barratt appointed as head of Centre for Advancing Practice, trainee change of circumstances form, spotlight on midwifery, upcoming webinars and events, Midlands Advanced Practice Forum Roadshow and Conference, Leadership Programme in the East Midlands, get involved with the REACT study.
This update includes the following: an update on the ePortfolio (supported) Route, a reminder for trainee change of circumstances, educator forum meetings, a summary of our recent pharmacy webinar, Sarah Folley’s case study; a Critical Care Practitioner from the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, Nottinghamshire Training Hub’s Advanced Practice Toolkit, and an update from the Midlands Advanced Practice Forum.
This update includes the following: information for 2025 / 2026 trainee places, Midlands Advanced Practice Forum Roadshow, workforce planning, NETs results, information on our Faculty Training Programme Directors (TPDs), experiences with the governance maturity matrix, and development and implementation of an Advanced Practice Research Toolkit from Professor Kerry Gaskin.
This update includes the following: New updated guide to implementing and funding advanced practice in the region, ePortfolio (supported) route update around next cohorts, NMC exploration of regulation of Advanced Practice, virtual upcoming regional events, Midlands Advanced Practice Forum Roadshow, and much more!
This update includes the following: Post Advancing Practice National Conference Nov 2023, NETS training service, ESR Advanced Practitioner Re-Coding Efficient,The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) core advanced curriculum, future webinars and much more!
This update includes the following: New Faculty Email Address, new Advanced Practice Funding Guidance, National Conference Nov 2023, Supervision & Assessment for Advanced Practice Trainees, and much more!
This update includes the following: Annual Centre for Advancing Practice Conference: online live event 8th and 9th November, Apothecaries Prize 2023-2024, Mary Hutchinson – Case Study (Showcase), Advancing Practice for Learning Disability and/ or Autism Network, New Network for Paediatric Advanced Practitioners and much more!
This update includes the following: Advanced Practice: Reconnecting the Midlands Conference 2023, Health Education England merge, ESR Guidance, International Journal, and much more!
This update includes the following: a call out or case studies; we need you! An update on our regional conference, regional supervision and assessment funding and the Minimum Standards, ePortfolio (supported) Route, First Contact Practitioner Ambassadors, NETS survey is now open, and much more!
This update includes the following: information on our upcoming regional conference, Governance Maturity Matrix, Minimum Standards for Supervision, introductions to our then new faculty team members, and much more!
This update includes the following: an introduction to our then newly appointed Supervision and Assessment Lead, meet the fellows from the Lincolnshire Rotation Project, ePortfolio (supported) Route, Clinical Academic Roles for Advanced Practitioners, an overview of the work carried out by our regional Training Programme Directors (TPDs), and much more!
This update includes the following: progression on the Midlands Faculty for Advancing Practice, MSc: Advanced Clinical Practice in Ocular Health, Advanced Practice in Midwifery, the ACP Governance Project, and much more!