Name: Elizabeth Bennett Hayes. RN. RM. NMP.
Role: Midwife and Lead for Enhanced Maternal Care Escalation and Response Team (EMCERT). University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

I started my career in the NHS as a Registered Nurse (St. Thomas’ Hospital, 1993), and after consolidating, specialised in Intensive Care. Thereafter I gained a BSc (hons) in Acute Adult Care (2006). I changed paths and gained a BSc (hons) in Midwifery (2012). Following on from this, I successfully completed a Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice (2020).
My experience in midwifery and nursing led my desire to care for women with acute health needs. These health needs often occur as a result of intrapartum events or because of underlying medical conditions.
During my Masters programme I was supervised by an Obstetric Consultant Anaesthetist. They helped in the development of my role as an Advanced Practitioner, drawing upon classroom learning and real-life experiences. This was to ensure I was able to meet the capabilities of Advanced Practice for the population I was treating.
I am keen that my example of advanced clinical practice in midwifery be used as an exemplar both regionally and nationally. I’m also an Advanced Practice Training Programme Director in Midwifery Midlands Faculty one day a week. I support individuals, service users and providers in the understanding of, and implementation of new advanced practice posts.
Benefits of the role:
My idea of EMCERT became reality with support and encouragement by my midwifery, obstetric and anaesthetic colleagues.
Upon completing my Masters, EMCERT was implemented to enhance the care needed to unwell pregnant, or recently pregnant women. EMCERT consists of Midwives with specialised training to be able to confidently manage these women.. We proactively work to manage, escalate and respond to their problems in a timely manner.
With my support and leadership, EMCERT offer support to the whole of the midwifery team. This is through advice, and by providing care for these women.
“Advanced Practice has enabled me to provide holistic care to those who have additional care needs and require complex decisions to be made“
Key Examples of the Pillars of Practice:
I provide a follow-up service when women are discharged from the enhanced maternal care area to wards. This ensures continuity and individualised care. I complete their discharge process in a timely manner by prescribing, reviewing care needs and ensuring appropriate follow up is provided (telephone consultation and / or joint physician / advanced clinical practice clinic).
On a day to day basis I provide clinical expertise as a resource for staff and provider of additional care. I ensure collaborative care planning and multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working. I carry out complex decision making throughout a patient’s journey.
I ensure my team have experience in different areas such as critical care and achieve competencies to ensure capability in the management and care of women with acute / additional care needs. Networking and collaborating with other specialist teams. There is a large emphasis on MDT learning and education for the team.
I implement, lead and manage EMCERT and it’s member. Supporting them to achieve competencies, work effectively in EMCERT and develop in Midwifery.
I provide education in maternity, across the trust and externally at national events. Following a gap analysis, I addressed the learning at university and the knowledge required in the workplace for the women with additional needs. I also devised appropriate teachings for Midwifery students, a hospital training package for Enhanced Maternal Care (EMC).
I’m a Faculty member for Baby Lifeline charity which consists of members from different professions making it a multi-disciplinary team.I’ve delivered teaching on EMC, teaching new midwives, and rotational medics. I’ve taught nationally and have participated in conferences and webinars speaking about the role of Advanced Practice.
I have audited the impact of both mine and EMCERT’s roles on women and had evidenced a smoother, shorter and more individualised patient’s journey. Further to this, audited the utilisation of clinical markers and treatment provision.
Other areas that demonstrate my research pillar in practice is where I’ve designed, implemented and audited new EMC charts, and researched the outcomes of a new postnatal clinic.