About the South East Regional Faculty.
Advanced practitioners are registered healthcare professionals educated to masters level or equivalent and have the skills and knowledge to take on expanded roles and scope of practice caring for patients. The regional faculties for Advancing Practice have also been established to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice across England.
To deliver the step-change in advanced practice outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan; to develop modern pathways of care, improve patient safety, value and efficacy, NHS England has made a significant investment in the formation of a multi-professional Faculty in each of its seven regions.

As a regional faculty in the South East we are in a unique position to understand and address their region’s workforce requirements, this collaborative regional leadership model is essential to drive change at a local level. We work across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to support transformation in practice. The South East region ICSs include Kent and Medway, Sussex Health and Care Partnership, Frimley Health, Surrey Heartlands, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
We recognise the impact that advanced practitioners can have on workforce transformation, providing highly skilled care that can drive service redesign, enhance patient care, and improve outcomes. The function of our Faculty is to lead and promote advanced practitioners as part of national and regional workforce solutions and to enable practitioners to practice to their full potential.
We will also identify workforce demand, commission high-quality education and training, optimise clinical training, supervision and assessment and support communities of practice to drive ongoing development and support to improve patient care.
If you would like to contact the South East Advancing Practice Faculty, please email england.acpenquiries.se@nhs.net