Annabella Gloster, Regional Faculty Lead for Advancing Practice

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Annabella is the faculty lead and is a registered nurse with experience of working as a senior nurse and nurse practitioner in emergency care prior to moving to the higher education sector where she was a senior lecturer and programme lead for advanced clinical practice programmes. Annabella has collaborated at regional, national and international level in this area, having been past chair of the Association for Advanced Practice Educators (AAPE UK) and was involved at national level on several other HEE ACP workstreams.
As the regional faculty lead for advancing practice; Annabella leads the faculty in promoting advanced practitioners as part of workforce solutions that support service changes, working with stakeholders to identify needs, commissioning high-quality education and training, and coordinating advanced practice across the north west.
Dr Kirsty Martin-McGill, Advanced Practice Education and Training Senior Manager

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Kirsty is the Education and Training Senior Manager for the faculty. Kirsty joined the team from a national role, previously working as Recognition Lead at the Centre for Advancing Practice. She is a registered dietitian and has experience of working in clinical and research environments, specialising in neurosciences, and in academia as a senior lecturer and programme lead. Kirsty completed her PhD in 2019; the innovative research led to her being awarded CN ‘Clinical Nutrition Professional of the Year’. She has authored numerous Cochrane reviews and contributed to NICE guidance publications.
As the Education and Training Senior Manager, Kirsty leads on supervision and assessment, ensuring quality learning experiences and environments. Kirsty works closely with education providers, advanced practice leads and training hubs to achieve this. She also supports the wider workforce transformation agenda, such as the successful delivery of the long-term workforce plan in relation to advancing practice across the North West region
Debra Allcock, Project Manager for Advancing Practice

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Debra is the project manager for the faculty for advancing practice, supporting the regional faculty lead to ensure successful implementation of the advancing practice portfolio at regional and sub-regional level. Having extensive experience in programme and project management, stakeholder management, co-production and change management, Debra has led and delivered on Macmillan Cancer Support projects and work transforming the healthcare system relating to chronic oedema / lymphoedema.
As the regional project manager for advancing practice; Debra will be providing comprehensive project management, overseeing the delivery of the identified workstreams against the regional delivery plan. She will be closely working with key internal and external stakeholders for successful implementation of the national agenda for advanced practice.
Catherine Gregg, Health and Care Education Officer

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Catherine joined the team in August 2021 and supports the delivery and implementation of the faculty’s objectives, its projects & initiatives and ensuring the faculty runs smoothly.
Previously, Catherine worked as a Paralegal in a finance litigation team where she obtained a certificate in high education for legal studies. However, it became apparent that this career path was no longer the route she wished to pursue. Catherine is currently undertaking an APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ).