Meet the North West Training Programme Directors

Anna Riley, Training Programme Director – Emergency and Surgical Care

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Anna Riley qualified as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in 2014 and works within an emergency surgical assessment.  Anna is a nurse by background and has experience in surgical and critical care environments.  Now a lead ACP for the general and emergency surgical service at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Anna was jointly responsible for co-creating the North West Surgical ACP Forum in 2018, which now hosts over 100 members.

Kay Roscoe, Training Programme Director – Mental Health

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As an Occupational Therapist and Ward Manager in a secure service, Kay wanted to further develop her skills and competencies as a clinician. With support from her head of operations she moved into a trainee ACP role and over two years completed a number of experiential placements to develop a broad range of advanced practice skills.

Kays current role is flexible to meet the needs of the adult mental health pathway. Kay chairs complex case MDTs with responsibility for clinical decision making and team formulation, undertakes autonomous holistic patient assessments, provides clinical supervision, development and coaching to junior staff and works in partnership with psychiatrists providing senior clinical input.

Currently Kay’s job plan incorporates teaching, quality improvement and transformation alongside a clinically facing role. Kay continues to develop her role through experiential learning and high quality clinical supervision.

Kay is passionate about mental health and as a training programme director for the north west Faculty for advancing practice she hope to support the future advanced practice workforce. In Kay’s spare time she loves spending time with her family and walking her three dogs.

Liz Reilly, Training Programme Director – Primary Care

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Liz is passionate in empowering other people to realise their full potential to inspire positive change and improve patient experiences. Therefore, she loves working with others, championing intellectual curiosity and sharing her passion for learning, growing and developing within a safe and supportive environment, to become the best we can be. As the Training programme director for primary care, that’s exactly what she aspires to do, in collaboration with trainee ACPs.

As an expert rehabilitation specialist with 20 years of experience in the field, Liz made the decision to take on a new challenge and transitioned across into primary care after completing my Masters in Advanced Practice. Now, with over 12 years of experience as a ‘specialist generalist’, with a strong professional identity as an Advanced Practitioner, Liz is keen to pay forwards the encouragement, mentoring, coaching and supervision that she has received throughout her journey to others following the same path. Liz brings patience, integrity, wisdom, compassion and respect with me for our journey.      

When Liz isn’t working, she is usually out dancing Latin and Ballroom with her husband and friends, walking with her family, skiing, or travelling to new places to meet new people and learn new things.