Advanced practice funding

Requesting funding from NHSE East of England

Each year the Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice communicates with healthcare employers and primary care training hubs in the east of England to scope demand for advanced practice training funding. This scoping exercise will usually take place between January and March of each year and will be completed by the advanced practice lead within an employing organisation, or within a ICB primary care training hub where training demand is from a primary care employer.

If you are a trainee or an employer who would like to enquire about receiving NHSE funding for advanced practice training, please first contact either your primary care training hub (if you are employed in a primary care organisation) or your employing organisation’s advanced practice lead. If you do not know these contact details, please ask us at

Funding models in NHSE East of England

A detailed guidance document on funding and processes for advanced practice training can be found on our Guidance and resources page. We have also created a document which summarises the funding models that are available from NHSE East of England for advanced practice training commencing in finance year 2023/24 which can also be found on our Guidance and resources page.

Notifying NHSE East of England of changes that may impact funding

It is the responsibility of trainees undertaking advanced practice training programmes funded by NHSE East of England to notify the Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice of changes to circumstances. This can be done by completing and returning a notification of change form.