International Council of Nurses 13th Network Conference

Next years International Council of Nurses NP/APN Network Conference will include a Theme focusing on Multi-professional Advanced Practice!
This is your opportunity to present at an international conference:
The organising committee are inviting abstracts for oral presentations, poster, symposiums and clinical workshops.
- Oral – A 10 – 15-minute oral presentation by the author(s) (maximum presentation time is 15 minutes)
- Poster – A visual presentation displayed during poster sessions
- Symposium – A 60-minute session with a maximum of three presenters on a common topic relevant to Advanced Practice.
- Clinical workshop – A 60-minute session focused on a clinical topic delivered in workshop format with the aim of instructing Advanced Practice Nurses.
Conference details
The ICN NP/APN Network Conference 2024 will provide the largest global forum for advanced practice nurses to network and collaborate on contemporary topics and future trends relevant to their practice. Our conference theme ‘Advanced practice nursing an invaluable investment for global health’ is inspired by the International Council of Nurses strategic priorities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and Universal Health Coverage.
The 13th International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nurse Network Conference, 9 – 12 September2024, taking place in the glorious Scottish highlands of Aberdeen, UK.
We will be bringing you an amazing line up of speakers and workshops that will surprise, inspire and educate.
The 2024 conference will promote stimulating and thought-provoking exchanges, offering delegates the opportunity to meet and share ideas and experiences in both an educational and social environment. Through engagement at the conference, we hope a common language and understanding can develop and grow.
Conference Themes:
- Investing in the Advanced Practice Nurse Health Workforce
- Advancements in Digital Health and Technology for Enhanced Advanced Practice Nurse Practice
- Extending the Reach, Amplifying the Impact, and Realising the Value of Advanced Practice Nurse’s
- Advanced Practice Nurse’s Role in Shaping a Healthier, More Equitable World
- Educational and Regulatory Landscapes Shaping Advanced Practice Nursing
- The Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Advanced Practice Nursing
- Aligning Advanced Practice Nursing with Global Health Imperatives and Health Systems Resilience
- The UK perspective –Multi-professional Advanced Practice (for UK delegates only and is open to other health professions with a recognised governance framework for advanced practice)