Consultant practice self-assessment tool!

Multi-professional consultant-level practice capability and impact framework: self-assessment tool
The Centre for Advancing Practice has launched a new self-assessment tool. This supports the career progression and development from Advanced Practice to Consultant Practice.
We recognise the pathways to consultant practice are unique to the needs of the individual, practice setting and service. Therefore, through self-assessment individuals can assess and track their planned or achieved impact. This informs priorities for an individualised development plan towards consultant practice.
The tool identifies various domains and capabilities in the progression toward consultant practice. These correspond with capability levels set out in the Multi-professional consultant practice capability and impact framework.
The self-assessment tool supports career development for aspiring and consultant practitioners. You can access thisvia the Centre for Advancing Practice website.

The Centre for Advancing Practice – Multi-professional consultant-level practice capability and impact framework – Self assessment tool.
You will need to download a copy of the self-assessment tool before editing the document.