Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2023 – Registration open
We are delighted to announce registration for our Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2023 is now open! This year’s theme is ‘A future worth advancing’ and will take place virtually on 8th and 9th November 2023. Places are on a first come first served bases and have ‘sold’ out for the past 3 years so sign up now!
Date: Wednesday 8 November 2023 and Thursday 9 November 2023
Location: Online/Virtual
Hashtag: #AdvancingPractice2023
Our programme sees a wealth of talks, workshops, knowledge sharing workshops and panels, covering a variety of professions and specialties from across the UK and beyond.
Highlights from the conference 2023 programme are:

- Advancing for 75 years – Turning vision into reality
- A more inclusive Future
- Diverse Workforce to tackle health inequalities
- Increasing the national voice
Panel sessions:
- Opportunities of a global community
- Ask the Centre
- In conversation: the Faculty Leads
- The limitless possibilities of a system working together
- Building the research pillar
- Co-Producing the Future
- Writing for publication
- Job planning the future
- Being a supervisor for the future
All of our sessions are recorded and will be available to view by delegates until March 2024.
Connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Be sure to use the hashtag #AdvancingPractice2023 before, during and after the event to join the conversation.