North East and Yorkshire

Advanced Practice Supervision

On this page you will find guidance and resources regarding the supervision of advanced practitioners working in the North East and Yorkshire region.​

What is supervision and why is it important?

​The CQC (2013) have described clinical supervision as:​

‘an opportunity for healthcare practitioners to reflect on and review their clinical practice, discuss individual cases in depth and identify changes or modifications to practice which are required to maintain professional and public safety. It provides an opportunity to identify training and continuing development needs.’  ​


Centre for Advancing Practice Documents

High quality supervision for healthcare professionals moving into trainee advanced practice roles is essential for supporting the development of confidence and capability and underpins patient and practitioner safety. There are a number of resources released by the Centre for Advancing Practice:​

Centre for Advancing Practice Podcasts

A series of podcasts developed by the South West Faculty exploring supervision within advanced practice can be found here.​

Centre for Advancing Practice Videos

This video series provide insights about best practice in multi-professional supervision for advanced practice. These insights have been gathered through conversations with colleagues working in advanced practice in a variety of clinical settings. They can all be accessed here.​​

Educator Training Resources

E-learning for Health Supervision modules are available within the Educator Training Resources. Although these are not specific to advanced practice. These can be used as a useful resource to build foundation of knowledge on supervision, teaching methods and work based assessments. ​

Content includes:​

  • Supervision of Learners​
  • Teaching methods​
  • Assessment and progression​
  • The Learning Environment​
  • Approaches in Education​

Future Learn 

The University of East Anglia in collaboration with Future Learn offer a suite of modules aimed at supervisor or educator. It is mapped to competences within the Academy of Medical Educators’ framework for professional development:​