Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice – North West

About us

The North West Faculty for Advancing Practice was established during the latter part of 2020 to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice at a regional level, recognising the impact that advanced practitioners can have on workforce transformation, providing highly skilled care that can drive service redesign, enhance patient care, and improve outcomes.  The function of our faculty is to provide regional leadership and promote advancing practice including advanced practitioners as part of national and regional workforce solutions and to enable practitioners to practice to their full potential. We are working across our local Integrated Care Systems to support transformation in practice.


Our vision is focused on creating and enabling transformative partnerships to develop, embed and sustain Advanced Practitioners across the north west region who are fit for 21st century care and that appropriate use is made of their skills and expertise across an evolving health and social care system.


The Faculty for Advancing Practice across the north west will:

  • provide regional leadership around the advanced practice national programme to drive change at a local level,
  • ensure quality education and training is delivered for advanced practitioners to enable them to be fit for 21st-century care, so that their skills and expertise address patient service priorities and the needs of diverse populations,
  • lead and promote advanced practitioners as part of workforce solutions that support service changes working with ICSs to identify demand, commission and support the supervisory needs of learners,
  • provide greater connectivity across the health and social care system and across all relevant professions to improve the understanding, value and innovation that advancing practice roles can bring to deliver quality care and improve service provision for patients,
  • enable the continuum of multi-professional clinical career paths through advancing practice and beyond.


Our aims are:

  • To be the regional advancing practice hub to provide consistency and quality that will achieve national policy and strategy directives / mandates. ​
  • Embed advancing practice across enabling functions and professional groups within NHSE.​
  • Provide leadership and promote multi-professional advanced practitioners as innovative solutions for service transformation and patient outcomes across all health and social care systems. ​
  • The north west region will have accurate business intelligence of advanced practitioners for robust workforce planning and modelling.​
  • The north west region will have a consistent and streamlined process for commissioning, aligned with the national commissioning framework that will address system needs, to support workforce planning around Long Term Plan priorities, areas of workforce challenge or transformation.​
  • Promote, support and quality assure national educational reform to enable variable pathways for advancing practice through credentials, individual recognition, programme accreditation, supervision and assessment.  ​
  • Work collaboratively with the Centre for Advancing Practice and our three Integrated Care System (ICS) systems, to ensure all voices are heard to fully understand and address need while transforming and integrating advancing practice. ​
  • The north west region to drive research and evaluation for advancing practice to evidence return on investment.