Advanced practice supervision

On this page you will find guidance and resources on the supervision of advanced practitioners in the East of England.

Guidance, resources and reports

Advanced practice Tier 3 Educational Supervisor Training

Are you an experienced advanced practitioner interested in supervising trainee advanced practitioners? Does your workplace require supervision of qualified advanced practitioners? Have you got extensive knowledge and understanding of advanced practice and want to help develop the workforce?

We need you!

The Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice are currently unable to confirm HEI days for Tier-3 training, however, while awaiting educator training dates you will be able to complete e-learning for health modules available through the e-learning for health portal The modules are as follows:

  • Supervision
  • Supporting Educational and Clinical Supervisors
  • Effective Feedback
  • Setting Learning Objectives

You can also view the following videos in preparation.

Please also become familiar with the Supervision Documents available on The Centre for Advancing Practice website and complete the Supervisor Readiness Checklist with your line manager.  It is also strongly recommended that you have a discussion with the Advanced Practice lead or Supervision Ambassador at your local Training Hub if you work within primary care. 

If you have any further questions regarding the above, please contact