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Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice

Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice

To deliver the step-change in advanced practice outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan; to develop modern pathways of care, improve patient safety, value and efficacy, HEE has made a significant investment in the formation of a multi-professional Faculty in each of its seven regions.

Advanced Practice in the community

Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice announcement

Building a recognised and visible advanced practitioner workforce is a priority for the NHS; there is a clear and identified […]

close up of foot skeleton

Resources, reports and publications

Reports and publications associated with advanced practice.


Advanced practice in the workforce Case studies and advanced practitioner stories Sohail Akram – Advanced Practice in Primary Care Professor […]

Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice – North West

Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice have also been established to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice across England. The Faculties are in a unique position to understand and address their region’s workforce requirements, working across their local systems (Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs)/Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to support transformation in advanced practice.