ePortfolio (supported) Route – Updated May 2023
The ePortfolio (supported) Route has been specifically designed to enable recognition with the Centre for Advancing Practice of existing, experienced advanced practitioners, who at the time of the expression of interest, are working clinically in advanced practitioner roles on a regular basis [1], and who have already completed their advanced practice experiential and educational learning mostly before 2017 [2] when the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England was published.
Completing the ePortfolio (supported) Route is voluntary, but Centre for Advancing Practice created the process for recognition of advanced practitioners for quality assurance purposes to ensure a consistent approach to the urgent need to recognise the experience, knowledge, and skills of existing, experienced advanced practitioners in the workforce. The components and processes of the ePortfolio (supported) Route act as an assurance for the Centre that applicants for the Route are experienced advanced practitioners who have demonstrated the development of the capabilities outlined in the Multi-professional framework (2017).
To date, three cohorts of applicants are working through the ePortfolio (supported) Route. The Centre has opened an Expressions of Interest (EOI) form to gauge the level of demand for future cohorts. We continue to review and refine our processes from the feedback received and have therefore decided that going forward, the EOI window once opened again will remain open. This will enable practitioners, with support from their organisational advanced practice lead, to submit their EOIs throughout the year. The Centre will then contact the applicant once future Cohorts dates are available. The Centre expects this to be in the second quarter of 2024.
Expression Interest in the ePortfolio (supported) Route
The ePortfolio (supported) Route enables current experienced advanced practitioners to gain recognition. It is not a training pathway, therefore the Centre’s current intention is that this route will closed from 2027 onwards. We will continue to review this decision based on ongoing demand and national developments relating to the advanced practice agenda.
[1] If this is not your main role, your clinical time should be sufficient to maintain your advanced practitioner clinical capabilities and undertake any workplace-based development identified in your LNA. It is recommended this should normally be a minimum of one day a week (or equivalent)
[2] An exception to this is where a university has applied to the Centre for Advancing Practice for recognition of a ‘legacy’ MSc advanced practice programme, which in some occasional circumstances may be dated from prior to 2017. Another exception is where a post-2017 course has been identified as not meeting the accreditation requirements post-2017, and consequently will not be accredited without substantial course changes occurring.