New virtual network for advanced practice in learning disability and/or autism (multi professional)

Our new network for qualified advanced practitioners and consultants in learning disability and/or autism (including those aspiring to be or in training) is currently being piloted. This pilot will enable network members to connect, work together to find solutions, share best practice and more.
The network, offers its members the opportunity to influence the development of advancing practice roles. Recognising that members will work within a multi-disciplinary team to take a holistic approach to individual’s care and support, it will also give aspiring, trainee and qualified advanced practitioners and consultants a space in which to consider ways to support educational development for themselves and the future workforce.
The network is accessible 24/7 and we hope it will provide a platform for members to get advice and peer support. We will also be running a number of virtual events, including an official launch event on 7 March 2023 – more information on this in due course.
The network is free to join. To become a member complete the virtual network registration form.
We look forward to seeing you there!