During May 2022 HEE South West Faculty ran a Networking Event to bring together Advanced Practitioners, educators and people who work supporting advanced practice within the region to:
• Build awareness of HEE and the work of the South West Faculty
• Generate positive discussion amongst the workforce
• Provide networking opportunities allowing attendees to meet like-minded individuals and share stories.
• Inspire positive changes
• Explore the latest developments in advanced practice
• Recognise Advancing Practice achievements we have made so far
• Discuss the future of Advanced Practice
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Keynote Sessions
The South West Faculty invited three inspiring keynote speakers to share their knowledge and expertise on the Mainstage.
Developing a National Supervision Framework
(Dr Deborah Harding, PhD, MSc, BMedSci (Speech)
Download the slides from Deborah’s talk here

Deborah is an associate professor in the Centre for Allied Health, St George’s, University of London where she leads a multi-professional postgraduate module in Advancing Clinical Education and Supervision. She has delivered evaluation work for NHS England’s Chief Allied Health Professions’ Officer’s team on the development of AHP leadership across the NHS in England and led work to develop Health Education England’s Centre for Advancing Practice Workplace Supervision Guidance for multi-professional advanced level practitioners.
The Future of Advancing Practice Research
Professor Joy Conway, MCSP, MSc, PhD
Download the slides from Joy’s talk here

Joy is the Professor of Respiratory Sciences, at the Centre for Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, the National Research Lead for advancing practice for Health Education England and maintains visiting Professor status with the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre for Respiratory and Critical Care.
Multiprofessional Consultant Practice: Towards a Development Pathway
Professor Robert Crouch, OBE, RN, PhD, FRCN, FRCEM (Hon)
Download the slides from Robert’s talk here

Robert is a Consultant Nurse & Honorary Professor of Emergency Care at University Hospital Southampton/Southampton University, School of Health Sciences. Visiting Professor, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, UWE. Prof Crouch has led the ED nursing team at UHS for over 2 decades and has served on numerous national groups involved in multidisciplinary workforce development in Emergency Care.
Breakout Sessions
On the smaller breakout room stages, the South West Faculty held presentations on key topics.
What a good supervisory relationship looks like
Diane Keeling – Regional Supervision and Assessment Lead for Neonatal & Maternal Care, Women’s Health, Paediatrics, HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Presentation slides
The governance required to support trainee and qualified Advanced Practitioners
Valentino Oriolo- Regional Supervision and Assessment Lead for Acute Internal Medicine, Medical Specialities, HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Supporting an advanced practice trainee in difficulty
Emmie Baker-Larner – Project Manager, HEE South East Faculty for Advancing Practice
The importance of quality assurance to improve training environments
Andy Gadsby – Quality Lead, HEE South West Quality Team
Girish Lakhanpal – Project Manager, HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Hot Topic Sessions
The hot topic sessions were a chance to present on key themes of advanced practice.
Hot Topic A – How is leadership used in practice
Joanna Fairhurst – Clinical Leadership Fellow, Leadership & Lifelong Learning, People Directorate, NHS England & NHS Improvement
Presentation slides
Hot Topic B – Inspiring Workforce Transformation, demonstrating the value of Advanced Practitioners
Lou Buckle – Workforce Transformation Lead HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Luke Cunningham – Workforce Transformation Associate, HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Jennifer Lloyd – Workforce Transformation Associate, HEE South West Faculty for Advancing Practice
Presentation slides
Hot Topic C – How do I get started in Research
Joy Conway – Professor of Respiratory Sciences, Centre for Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, National Research Lead for advancing practice for Health Education England, Professor status with the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre for Respiratory and Critical Care
Presentation slides
Event Agenda
The South West Faculty worked hard to plan and execute a packed schedule for the event.
Attendee Feedback
We gathered feedback from our event via a survey. The attendee feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

Attendees let us know their highlights from the event.

And noted actions they would take forwards

Want to come to our next event? Sign up to receive news and updates from the South West Advancing Practice Faculty