Search Results for: clinical supervision

Advanced Practice in Midwifery Implementation Guide

Midwifery Implementation Guide March 2023 Scope and purpose The intended audience for this implementation guide is maternity service providers and […]

Midlands Faculty for Advancing Practice Update Bulletin – December 2023

Seasonal message from the Faculty All of the team in the Faculty for Advancing Practice would like to wish all […]

clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research

Multi-professional framework for advanced practice in England (2017)

The capabilities for advanced practice in England The Multi-professional framework for advanced practice in England (2017) builds upon the definition […]

Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2023

Centre for Advancing Practice Conference Results 2023

Poster and Game Results! 3000 delegates joined us last week for our flagship event, the annual conference. This year’s conference […]

Advanced Paramedic Practitioner – Andrew Preece

What are the key responsibilities and duties of an advanced practitioner in your field Responding to 999 calls, providing advanced […]

Emergency Department – Amy Greaves

Amy is a trainee Advanced Practitioner working in the Emergency Department with a specialist focus on soft tissue injuries. Amy […]

Emergency Department – Jasmine Morris

Jasmine is a trainee Advanced Practitioner working with a focus on frailty in the emergency department. She is currently completing her Advanced Practice MSc. A physiotherapist by professional background and now eight years post her initial registration she is already realising the benefits of advanced practice training for herself as well as seeing first-hand the many positive changes that advanced practitioners can bring as part of a multidisciplinary team in this setting.