Naming Conventions for Files Uploaded to the Portal for the ePortfolio (supported) Route – Updated May 2022
Naming your Evidence
When you start to upload your evidence, each piece of evidence must be named using the follow the following convention: the evidence name must start with a number, followed by a code (from the list below) and then a title which indicates the content of the evidence.
In the evidence section, select where you want your evidence to be stored.
In this example we are using “Other Evidence” section as the evidence is already in existence.
Click on ‘Add New’
All evidence titles should follow the following structure:
[Evidence Number]:
Evidence number: E1, E2, E3
[Evidence Code]:
Evidence code: Case Study
[Description of Evidence]
Description of evidence
4-year-old with acute asthma
74-year-old female with back pain
Naming Convention: Evidence Codes
Type of Evidence | Code | Example Name of Essential Evidence |
Case Study | CS | E1: CS1: Surgical Procedure E2: CS2: Female with anxiety E3: CS3: Male with a UTI |
Reflective Account | REFL | E4: REFL: Attendance at a Sepsis workshop |
Competence Record | CR | E5: CR: Clinical Assessment |
Job Plan and Job Description | JP/JD | E6: JP/JD: Advanced Nurse Practitioner |
Feedback | FB | E7: FB: Colleague E8: FB: Service user |
Leadership Skills | Leader | E9: Leader: Implementing Guidance E10: Leader: 360degree feedback and reflection |
Leadership Episode | LPEP | E11: LPEP: implementation of business case |
Delivering Education/ Training | EDU / TRAIN | E12: EDU: Presentation E13: TRAIN: Workshop |
Applying Research | RE | E14: RE: Wound Care |
Critical Appraisal | CA | E15: CA: Critical appraisal of the Effect of Obesity on Cognitive Impairment in Vascular Dementia Rat Model via BDNF-ERK-CREB Pathway |
Undertaking Audit/Service Improvement/Practice Development/Quality Improvement | AU / SI/ PD/ QI | E15: AU: Monitoring critical care patients E16: SI: Preventing catheter-related infections E17: PD: Improving nursing teamwork E18: QI: Care of cancer patients |
Other | OTH | E19: OTH: [XXX] |
Naming Convention for:
Evidence included in the ‘Careers Details’ section of the portal
For each job, you must start the title with ‘C’ followed by a number, the employer, and role, for example: C1: Great Ormand Street Hospital: ACP Physiotherapist
Evidence included in the ‘Qualifications’ section of the portal
For each qualification listed, you must start the title with ‘Q’ followed by the number and the name of the qualification. For example: Q1: BSc Adult Nursing
Evidence included in the ‘Achievements’ section of the portal
For each achievement listed, you must start the title with ‘A’ followed by the number and name of the achievement. For example: A1: Queens Award
Evidence included in the ‘Other Learning/Training’ section of the portal
For each qualification listed, you must start the title with ‘OL/T’ followed by the number and name of the learning/training.For example:
OL/T1: NIHR Introduction to Good Clinical Practice
OL/T2: L7 module History Taking
Renaming a piece of evidence
If you have already uploaded a piece of evidence, you can rename it using the naming convention above.
Click on the pencil
The title can now be edited to confirm to the naming conventions
You can now edit the title. When you are finished click ‘Save and Continue’
Appendix One:
Naming Conventions for Files Uploaded to the Portal for the ePortfolio (supported) Route – full PDF download