Implementing and Funding Guide

Appendix 5

Appendix 5 – A guide to implementing and funding advanced practice

Readiness to become an advanced practitioner

South East Region Faculty of Advancing Practice


If you are aspiring to be an advanced practitioner or are already in post and applying for funding to complete your advanced clinical practice MSc, it is important to understand the expectations and commitment needed to train for this role. The following checklist is for aspiring and trainee advanced practitioners to self-assess their readiness for advanced practice training. You can assess yourself as fully ready, partially ready, or not ready.

Factors suggesting readiness for Advanced Practice

Examples of evidence

Am I ready?

Personal Action Plan

I understand the 4 pillars of advanced practice and how these are an integral part of the advanced practice role.

Multi-professional framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England

I understand the core capabilities of advanced practice as articulated in the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice.

Multi-professional framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England

I understand the advanced clinical practice MSc programme/ curriculum/credential that I am undertaking and how this relates to my role.

HEI programme handbooks; credential; specialist AP curriculum e.g. RCEM ACP curriculum and cssessment.

I have an agreed scope of practice that details the requirements and limitations of my role.

Scope of practice; job description.

I meet the HEI academic requirements for enrolling on an advanced clinical practice MSc programme.

HEI programme handbook and website.

I know how often I am expected to attend lectures and study days at the university and have agreed protected time with my manager to join these.

HEI programme handbooks.

I know how much additional study time is recommended by my programme and have agreed a plan with my manager to enable this.

HEI programme handbooks

A co-ordinating education supervisor has been identified for me before I commence my training and they have completed the advanced practice supervisor’s readiness checklist.

Workplace supervision for Advanced Clinical Practice: An integrated multi-professional approach for practitioner development.

I have associate supervisors who can support and assess me across all 4 pillars of advancing practice.

Workplace supervision for Advanced Clinical Practice: An integrated multi-professional approach for practitioner development.

I understand the importance of engaging in regular supervision and the assessment of capability to ensure patient and practitioner safety.

HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics; NMC Standards for student supervision and assessment;

I have an agreed job plan that covers all 4 pillars of practice, allows for a minimum of 1 hour of supervision per week and has additional, independent study time agreed.

Job plan.

I understand I should complete a learning needs analysis; a personal development plan and a learning contract with my co-ordinating education supervisor to guide and support my development.

I understand I must work in partnership with my employer, advanced practice lead, HEI and the Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice to proactively identify any supervision issues, learning environment needs or difficulties in achieving learning objectives that may affect my progression to try to find a resolution.

NHS England commitment statement

I know who the advanced practice lead for the organisation is and how to access support should difficulties arise.

Organisation policy