Implementing and Funding Guide

Appendix 3

Appendix 3 – A guide to implementing and funding advanced practice

Employer Readiness for Advanced Practice

Many employers have requested support with the development of advanced practice roles. This Readiness for Advanced Practice Checklist has been developed for employers to self-assess their readiness for advanced practice and to identify possible next steps. The checklist is based on the key principles of the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England and should be carried out by the AP lead (or other senior education lead responsible for advanced practice) at an organisational, departmental/practice level and individual trainee and supervisor level. Organisations can rate their extent of readiness on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 signifies there is no evidence and 4 signifies that the factor is fully embedded within the organisation.

An action plan with SMART objectives can be developed by the organisation in response to their self-assessed readiness. This should be co-ordinated by the Advancing Practice Lead (or other senior education lead) in conjunction with colleagues and the executive sponsor.
The self-assessment is a tool available to help organisations establish their readiness and will help to inform decisions about future funding they will receive to support advanced practice. The information gathered will be collated in a way to help NHS England identify areas in which we can better support employers across the South-East region to develop advanced practice.

It is also strongly recommended that organisations complete the Centre for Advancing Practice ‘Governance Maturity Matrix’ to formatively self-assess their progress on the governance of advanced practice.

Name of Organisation/ Primary Care Hub / Trust:

Completed by:Executive sponsor:

Name & Job title                                              Date

Name & Job title                                              Date

Departmental or General Practice level

Examples of evidence in your organisation

Extent to which these are in place 1-4

Explain your decision

Organisational level




There is clear understanding, support, and commitment for AP roles at executive and director level of the organisation

Named executive sponsor



There is named strategic leadership and operational leadership for AP

Job descriptions, organisational chart



To ensure patient safety, we have clear governance and support arrangements for AP

Governance systems, policies, strategies



The organisation has implemented the Centre for Advancing Practice ‘Governance Maturity Matrix and has formatively assessed progress against the domains.

Centre for Advancing Practice Governance Maturity Matrix



There is a business case to underpin the workforce planning for AP level roles to maximise their impact, including standardised titles and banding and a succession plan where appropriate

Business cases, workforce plans



We have surveyed our staff to establish where enhanced and advanced roles already exist and have mapped existing roles against the Framework to establish where development is needed for transition to AP roles

Workforce reviews, local AP database,  AP mapping tool



For those on full training pathways (including apprenticeships), we have fully funded training posts with agreed on-the-job protected learning time and off-the-job study leave for all AP level roles

Job descriptions, job plans, AP apprenticeships



We have robust processes for recruitment and selection into AP level roles and for monitoring progress and certifying completion of training

AP strategy document



All AP supervisors have time specified in their job plans for supervision of AP (minimum 1 hour per week)

Job plans



We have clearly defined substantive AP posts for trainees to move into on completion of their training

Job descriptions, job plans, workforce plans



We have processes to ensure that the NHS England supervision fee (£2600 per trainee per year) is accessible at service level

AP strategy document, communications, minutes of meetings



We provide support, training and induction for staff who supervise clinicians in AP roles in training and beyond

AP strategy document



We have discussed our plans for AP with our ICS/STP and Local People Boards

Communications, minutes of meetings



We have opportunities for trainee APs to develop capability across the four pillars via placements or rotations in other areas, supported by skills-specific supervision

Examples of rotations or placements



The purpose and scope of AP roles in patient pathways are clearly articulated

Job descriptions, workforce plans



We have in-house training pathways for AP, with specialty-specific curricula or core and specialist capabilities that encompass all four pillars of the Framework

Training pathway documents, curricula, competencies



We have planned AP supervision in the context of existing learners and staff

Clinical supervision timetables/plans



Each AP trainee has a named supervisor who is familiar with the requirements of AP

Workforce reviews, local AP supervisor database



We have mechanisms for evaluating the impact of AP roles

Service evaluations



Workplace assessment of AP trainees is carried out by competent assessors who are familiar with the assessment tools

AP strategy, workforce reviews



We have links with specialty-specific AP networks e.g.: Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine

AP strategy, network events



Self-funding AP trainees (who may be outside the organisational AP strategy) are supported, where appropriate, to integrate their roles into service needs for maximum impact

Individual learning plans, business cases



AP Trainee and Supervisor level




Potential AP trainees meet the university entry requirements and are prepared for the demands of education and training for AP

AP recruitment and selection strategy



AP trainees have an agreed scope of practice and there is a clear strategy for them to evidence their competence and progression.

Job descriptions, job plans, curriculum frameworks, competency frameworks



AP supervisors have completed training in supervision and have on-going support for their role

Workforce reviews, local supervisor database



There are support networks for both trainees and supervisors (in-house, ICS/STP-wide or specialty specific)

Local supervisor database, supervisor networks/events



Action plan to address factors self-assessed at 1, 2 and 3:

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) Objectives: