Appendix 2 – A guide to implementing and funding advanced practice
Trainees in need of support: general principles
Trainee in need of support

- Issue with placement area?
- Issue with HEI?
- Issue with supervision?
- Issue with managing programme of study?
- Personal circumstances?

Trainee should approach manager to raise issue directly, as soon as possible, to make an action plan to support trainee

If trainee CANNOT approach manager, they should contact AP Lead in first instance

Manager should contact AP Lead to raise issue whilst attempts to manage/ resolve issues are
undertaken & trainee is supported

The AP Lead should contact NHSE Regional AP Faculty Team as soon as issue is raised with them. AP Lead should:
- Provide support to trainee
- Investigate cause of issue and any remedial action taken or planned
- Identify key staff involved
- Identify any safety/quality/governance issues

Specific actions an AP Lead should also take:
- Meet with trainee +/- manager to develop action plan
- Contact trainee’s supervisor to discuss supervision arrangements and ensure these are in place
- Escalate any safety/governance issues immediately with relevant channels ie: Training Hub/Trust, etc
Trainees in need of support
Trainees needing support with HEI studies
There is an expectation for all Advanced Practice trainees that they are proactive in managing their learning journey. This includes acting to manage & resolve problems that may occur during the course of their training programme, with the support of their manager, supervisor, organisational Advancing Practice lead and NHS England Regional Advancing Practice faculty.
Trainee in needing support with MSc Programme/University studies

Within 4 weeks of trainee needing support
Trainee contacts MSc ACP pathway lead or personal tutor at HEI to organise support for studies

Within 1 week of trainee contacting HEI:
Trainee contacts manager & supervisor(s) to discuss issues and
to make appropriate arrangements for adjustments in practice placement if needed

The trainee MUST report to their manager IMMEDIATELY:
- If they intend to leave the programme
- If they refer on assignments/need to resubmit assignments: these may be university assignments or practice placement assignments/portfolios/skills, etc.
- If they get into difficulties in attending required study days, and/or are unable to attend.
- If they are considering asking for a deferment, or to intermit on their programme
The manager MUST report this to NHSE within 7 days of being informed of any the above
by the trainee.
If the manager cannot be contacted for any reason, the trainee should contact their supervisor instead. The supervisor MUST then contact NHSE within 7 days.
Managers/supervisors should contact NHSE via and head the email ‘Trainee concern’ all ‘Trainee concern’ emails will be answered within 7 days of receipt.
Trainees in need of support
Trainee needing support in placement areas
There is an expectation for all Advanced Practice trainees that they are proactive in managing their learning journey. This includes acting to manage & resolve problems that may occur during the course of their training programme, with the support of their manager, supervisor, organisational AP Lead and NHS England Regional AP Faculty.
Trainee needing support in the training placement area: these may be work-related
or personal circumstances

- Trainee should meet with manager of placement area to raise any issues at earliest opportunity: within 7-10 days from start of issue
- Trainee should also contact supervisor to arrange support and make an action plan of how to
resolve issues (same time frame as with manager) - Any issues relating to patient safety or safety of the placement environment MUST be reported to manager and supervisor immediately

- If trainee is unable to discuss issues with manager and/or supervisor – because of absence or breakdown in relationship, for example, trainee should contact organisational AP Lead within7-10 days of start of issue
- Any concerns about safety of trainee placement and/or patient safety MUST be reported to AP Lead immediately

- Efforts must be made to resolve any issues within the placement area, an action plan should be made by the trainee, supervisor, manager and, if appropriate, the organisational AP Lead within 7 days of first contact.
- The action plan should have SMART targets.
- The trainee, manager (or supervisor) MUST contact NHSE at this point, to advise that trainee is in difficulty and to share the action plan. At this stage, NHSE will not take any action but will be aware of concerns.

- If issues cannot be resolved, the organisational AP Lead must discuss with NHSE any plans for the trainee to move placement areas, before any move occurs (excepting emergencies)
- The trainee must stay in contact with manager, supervisor and
AP lead (if they are involved) at regular intervals