Advancing practice conference

Call for poster abstracts

Call for poster abstracts 

Our call for poster abstracts is now open and will close 1 September 2023.

An expert panel will review and validate abstracts received by the submission deadline. Production of a digital poster will be required for successful abstracts. Posters will each have an accompanying video or audio presentation of 1 to 3 minutes.

Details about the format of the poster and video/audio presentation is available below.

Would you prefer to deliver a session or workshop? Find out more on our call for proposals page.

Prize: authors of posters voted top three by attending delegates will a year’s subscription to the International Journal for Advancing Practice


  • 1 September 2023– Deadline for Abstract Submission
  • 13 October 2023 – Deadline for poster and upload
  • 8 to 9 November 2023 – Conference
  • 9 November 2023 4pm Poster Vote Result
  • Abstracts received after 1 September 2023 abstracts will not be considered.
Poster abstract proposal Deadline

The deadline for receipt will be Friday 1st September 2023

Poster abstract submission guidance

Use simple sentences   

Acronyms and abbreviations should be in full out the first time they appear in the abstract.     

Before submitting, ask one or more colleagues to read the abstract and offer constructive criticism.  

Required Fields:  

– First/given name(s)  

– Last/family name  

– Email  

– Place of work  

– Role title  

Poster abstract title  - 20 words maximum (Title must be the same for the presented poster) 

The title should be an accurate description of the abstract’s contents.   It should describe what the investigation rather than a statement of the results or conclusions.   

The abstract title should be easy for the reader to understand. It should not include jargon or unfamiliar acronyms or abbreviations.

The title should not be in capital letters.  

Structure of Abstract250 words at most

A suggested structure for an abstract is:   

1.  Introduction or background   

A summary of current knowledge relating to the work in the abstract.   

2.  Aims and objectives   

State the aim of your study.  Ideally include a short statement of the study’s hypothesis.   

3.  Methods   

A concise description of the design of the study, the methods, the context (e.g. acute medical unit, community, etc), and the research participants (number, age, sex, other entry criteria).

4. Results   

Describe the main results of the study.

5. Conclusions   

Why do you think your findings are important? What are the potential implications for practice? Results may not extend . If restrictions to patients, or a particular context or treatment, your results may not extend beyond these limits. 

Guidelines for submission

All abstracts must be in by 1 September 2023 and must be in English.  

Abstracts must contain original data and by submitting an abstract, you confirm that the content of the abstract is free from plagiarism.  

An abstract is 250 words at most, not including the title or list of authors. 

The panel considers submitted abstracts for suitability for a poster that will be on display during the conference.

Authors of accepted abstracts will receive an e-mail. Authors will then need to provide a copy of the digital poster and video/audio presentation.  The Centre will provide instructions for poster design and how to upload the digital poster.  The deadline for receipt of this will be 13 October 2022.

Your abstract and poster will be available to view online by all those attending the conference and will also be available to view on our website.   

The Centre for Advancing Practice poster review panel reserves the right to reject any submission  

By submitting your work, you are granting NHS England permission in perpetuity to retain, reproduce, publish in various formats, and promote all poster materials as submitted. This includes where relevant identifiable information such as contact details for non-commercial uses as it sees fit. You will need to state that you consent to this request as part of the submission process  

All research posters are peer-reviewed by a committee of experts. Poster reviews are single-blind: reviewers will see author names, but authors will not see reviewer names.  

Submit your abstract

  • A confirmation email will be sent to each author submitting the abstract. It is your responsibility to confirm that the submission has been received.